Rising Stories

Rising Stories Melody Mitchell - Lean In Kuwait



Today on the show I am talking with Melody Mitchell Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force; she will soon retire after 20 years in the military. Melody has lived in Kuwait since 2014 and is currently working for the U.S Embassy as Deputy Director for Foreign Military Sales. Melody is the founder and leaninorg Regional Leader of the leaninkuwait Network. She is a dynamic public speaker, in 2019, became a TEDxofficial speaker with TEDxAUK. Melody is an advocate for the empowerment of women and UnitedNations Women, Peace, and Security #WPS efforts in the Middle East. Hear Melody’s own Lean In story and find out the woman she most admires and what we can ALL learn from this powerhouse woman. Melody also talks about the differences between women in the US and Kuwaiti women. We also sneak in a few favorite items she is loving these days.  Burley Bands - https://amzn.to/2yMw4m5 EOS lip balm- https://amzn.to/2zz6CAN True Dark Blue light Glasses -https://amzn.to/2YpYLjJ Pressure Cooker, Instant Pot - https