Ad Absurdum

#6 -- Tic Tac D'Oh - I Blew Up the Planet (War Games)



Apologies for our 1-month hiatus: we're back! This month, Meredith and Sarah talk the 1983 nerd MASTERPIECE War Games. We think the trailer to this movie might be the sum total of what Donald Trump knows about cyber security, so we talk about how scary that is and how to stop him from blowing up the earth. We also talk about the process by which America plays the game of thermonuclear war, and calculate exactly how many months of federal prison time Matthew Broderick's character owes Uncle Sam.      --Leave any questions you have for the trio in the comment section at --Leave a review on iTunes so more people can find the show and learn their fictional rights.   Join Ad Absurdum next month on July 3rd as they will take a trip to Westworld.   Artwork by Meredith Rose Opening music by Adam Lord