Excel Radio

Episode 32: The Importance of Community & Identifying the True BioMarkers of Health with Jeremy Hendon



  Jeremy Hendon and I share many of the same passions and interests, specifically those in the area of nutrition and human performance. Although everyone understands the “common sense” aspects of health (eat more vegetables, move more, drink water, etc.), there are some massive gaps in our health (sick) care system. One of these “gaps” that we discuss is stress. Typically, we view stress as a purely psychological state. However, our entire biochemistry distorts when stressors are present. Stressors can include toxins, poor food choices, thoughts, traumas, and electromagnetic fields. But one stress that is less commonly discussed is our need for a community. Historically, humans lived in tribes. But with the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, and now the technological revolution, this changed. Although we may be constantly tweeting/snapchatting/instagramming, we are more alienated than ever. This is a massive source of stress. Another “gap” is the biomarkers that mainstream medicine is looking