Healthy Positive Lifestyle: Holistic Lifestyle And Coaching With Dr. Jin

030 - 7 Step Guide to How to believe in yourself, overcome self-doubt and achieve your goals, by Carmen Parks



Let’s say you see yourself as 3 on the scale from 1 to 10 in whatever you want to pursue, and you want to become 9 or 10. It will take some effort to get there, some investment of time and money, it will take some education and practice. It will take level 9 or 10 investment in yourself. However if you see yourself as 3, you will never invest that much in yourself. It will look like too much of an investment to you just because of your belief level.      No we get a vicious circle. Raising belief requires actions, and people don’t take necessary actions because belief is low. That’s the reason people get stuck in life. My coach told me that there are two major obstacles on the way to success: fear and doubt.