Go Solo Live

EP 024 Let’s Travel Solo, Together!



Debra Asberry is the owner of Women Traveling Together, a company built on her own personal frustration when she could not find a travel partner to do a once-in-a-lifetime trip with her. Women Traveling Together cultivates an environment where solo women can experience new things without a travel buddy, in a safe and secure way. The company was started in 1997, and has created an experience where even the most inexperienced traveller can have a fun time without feeling pressured to keep up with the pros.   Key Takeaways: *What is Women Traveling Together about, and how did it get started? *Debra and Women Traveling Together will be hosting around 70 tours throughout 2017. *The company started because no one wanted to travel with Debra on a rafting trip 20 years ago. *Debra knew she couldn’t have been the only one who felt this way. She wanted to share her experiences with someone. *The mainstream tour operators, at the time, did not want anything to do with solo travellers. *You can talk to the other women in