Go Solo Live

EP 025 Getting Paid to Travel and Write!



Carol Cain is a full-time travel blogger, but lives in New York City. She travels the world solo and writes about her adventures; often times they’ve been sponsored by companies. Oh, and by the way, she also has kids and a husband. Carol is proof you can get out there and travel, by yourself, even when you have a busy family to take care of. When Carol first traveled solo, at the young age of 17, she felt empowered. Carol has a serious travel bug, and doesn’t plan on slowing down anytime soon.   Key Takeaways: *When was Carol’s very first solo journey? *Carol travelled to Italy at the age of 17, and it was very empowering to be on her own and make mistakes. *Growing up in a very strict Latino household, Carol was always afraid she wasn’t living up to the expectations of others. *Carol also had to overcome a cultural barrier. Latinas don’t typically travel solo. *Carol has a husband and kids, and still travels solo. So many times strangers were worried about who was taking care of her kids while she was in a f