Go Solo Live

EP 031 You Never Know What Doors Will Open When You Solo Travel



Cindy Lane Ross has been traveling the world since she was 13 years old, and is looking forward to retirement at the ripe age of 38! Cindy and her husband are teaching fitness classes throughout the world and blogging about their adventures through their travel business, Stash Your Bag. Find out more about Cindy’s personal solo travels and how she always looks forward to some downtime, in this week’s episode!   Key Takeaways: *What’s Cindy’s favorite part of New Orleans? *Who is Cindy? She first got the travel bug when she was 13 years old! *Has Cindy noticed a difference between how she traveled as a kid vs. how she travels, a nearly adult? *When Cindy embarked to Central America, not once did she feel not safe. *Where can people go to get more informed on the countries they want to visit, especially if they have a safety concern? *Register yourself on the tourism board of every country you’re going into. *Cindy offers a quick Paris tip. Don’t throw away your train ticket! The police check! *Cindy says it mi