Go Solo Live

EP 034 Build a Maintenance-Free Lifestyle and Travel the World… Regret Free!



Donna Cravotta took her first solo trip when she was 5 years old. This adventure at such a young age sparked a huge desire and passion in Donna to travel the world, and she did! When Donna had her son, her priorities shifted and her solo travels came to a halt. Now that her son is slightly older, Donna can not wait till he’s off to college so she can begin a new stage of her life and travel the world on her own time once again.   Key Takeaways: *For Donna growing up, travel was what ‘other people’ did. *Donna’s best friend moved away and she was depressed, so her mother found enough money to send Donna, aged 5 at the time, on a plane (alone!) to go visit her friend. *Donna traveled all over for work in her adult life, but then she had a child and being a jetsetter just wasn’t possible. *Donna shares a cute story of her days working and traveling around the world. *Jennifer discusses how sometimes you just have to accommodate your travel buddy. *Donna had a lot of stress managing a bad relationship, working lo