Go Solo Live

EP 036 Pick the Road Trip over the Plane Ride



Charlene Burke is 53 years old and has plenty of experience getting in her car and going somewhere for a day or a weekend. In fact, Charlene prefers to drive than take a plane, because you’re able to experience much more while on the ground. On today’s show, Charlene discusses her personal philosophy, some of the travel dangers you should look out for, and the fun stories she’s collected along the way!   Key Takeaways: *What is Charlene’s personal philosophy? *When traveling, or even when going through life, be open and flexible. *Charlene shares an example of how ‘unintentional growth’ happens while on the road. *Charlene loves to drive, vs. flying. You get to experience much, much more when you drive. *The great thing about social media is that it opens so many doors to meet your new ‘friends,’ in the country or city that they live in. *How does Charlene usually plan out her trips? *How did Charlene tell her partner, now husband, that traveling was a huge part of her life? *Get a physical map, no, not your