Go Solo Live

EP 038 Share Travel with Your Kids



Rosemary Nickel’s first solo trip was to Cape Town, South Africa. As someone who usually travels with her family, Rosemary was amazed by how badly she needed a solo trip! On the show, Rosemary discusses what it was like to be in Africa for the very first time, and why it’s so important to bring your children on mini trips in your backyard to help show them new places and experiences.   Key Takeaways: *What was going on in Rosemary’s life when she decided to embark on her first solo trip ever? *Rosemary learned so much on that trip to Africa, and it has forever changed her way of traveling in the future. *Rosemary homeschools her children and everyone kept asking her if she ‘missed them.’ Her answer was no! She really needed that time off. *Shoutout to Rosemary’s amazing husband, Nile. *What did people think about Rosemary’s solo trip to Africa? What kind of feedback did she receive? *Rosemary didn’t experience much of a language barrier when she was in Africa. *What did Rosemary enjoy the most about Cape Town