Go Solo Live

EP 050 I Could Have Been Dead and I’ve Never Been to Europe!



Sunni Boehme was 30-years-old when she survived a life-threatening car accident. It was so intense that she had an out-of-body experience. When she finally came to, she realized she’s never taken a real vacation before — never sat on a city bus or a train — and by that point, she had only been on a plane once in her life. This immediately had to change. She went to Europe solo with no plans other than a monthly budget of $1,000. The experience completely transformed her and how she saw life after that. She came back to the U.S. with no money left and started a completely new career path.   Key Takeaways: *Where was Sunni in her life when she decided it was time to go solo? *Sunni had an out-of-body experience from a car accident that nearly killed her. *Even though Sunni was 30 years old, she had never been on a city bus and a train in her life. By that point, she had only been on a plane once — it was for work — and she had only taken one vacation in her adult life (where she didn’t even leave the state). *H