Go Solo Live

EP 053 Quit Your Job and Go Travel The World: This Lifestyle is Real and Possible!



Before Chantell Glenville quit her job to travel the world, she was working a very, very stressful job. It was so stressful that at the young age of 27 years old, she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Every Tuesday, like clockwork, she would end up crying in her office. Enough was enough. Chantell set in motion a plan to free herself of this lifestyle. She saved up her money, quit her job to go travel the world for what was only going to be for a year and a half. Well, two-and-a-half years later, Chantell is still traveling the world and she is loving every second of it. She set off on her solo journey to rediscover herself, to find out what her wants and desires are but ended up discovering so much more. Learn more about Chantell and her story, on this week’s episode!   Key Takeaways: *Who is Chantell and what was she doing professionally when she decided to travel solo? *How did Chantell prepare for her trip and come up with an itinerary? Well, two-and-a-half years later, she’s still traveling! *How