Go Solo Live

EP 059 Make a Career out of Writing and Solo Traveling



Carol Perehudoff, also known as Wandering Carol, is a luxury travel blogger. With slightly over 15 years of experience as a travel writer, Carol has had her fair share of fascinating stories and adventures. Through hard work and sticking with it, she has made a career out of her two favorite things — traveling and writing! On today’s show, Carol discusses how she became a travel writer and also offers advice how you can start building a career for yourself… today!   Key Takeaways: *How did Carol get her start traveling? *Are you scared to travel? Take baby steps. It’s a muscle that gets stronger every time you exercise it. *Carol once had to say to her husband, “You know I am a travel writer, did it not once occur to you that I will travel?” His reply was, “No!” *Carol and her husband have been together for over 9 years, so he is more than used to having Carol jet set off alone to exotic locations by this point. *Keep in mind, when Carol’s husband stays home, he isn’t losing out or missing out. In fact, he’s