Actionable Marketing Podcast

AMP 237: How to Actually Leverage Social Media and SEO to Boost Your Content With Dmitry Dragilev From Criminally Prolific



How can marketers leverage social media to influence search engine optimization (SEO) and boost their content? Social media does and does not influence organic search performance for content. Today’s guest is Dmitry Dragilev is a public relations (PR) and SEO expert from Criminally Prolific. Dmitry talks about what he knows based on what Google does, what works in the industry, and what works for himself and his clients. He describes how to leverage social media to drive short- and long-term SEO gains and amplify your content through channels.    Some of the highlights of the show include: Remember: Social signals are not used by Google for ranking purposes Why? Too much volume/information to go through; Google can’t index everything What ranks? Getting your brand reputation and recognition on social media Google indexes social media content when assets are used to share information Simple Idea: Get people to share content w/ other people to find and link to it No Shortcuts: Google always keeps quality conte