Into The Minds Of Madness

048 - Get Out (2018 OSCAR WINNER) + Star Wars Rebels Finale



Chris and Paul finally cover Jordan Peele's master piece Get Out (2017) after it's well deserved Oscar Win! Two white dudes from Sydney try to talk race, sexism and general issues and hopefully don't fail too miserably (please let us know anything we got wrong! We need to stay woke {no joke, please let us know}) Also, Chris let's Paul lament over his beloved Star Wars Rebels, and The X-Files recap returns!! Rest in Horror! -----------  Into The Minds of Madness is a (generally) weekly horror movie podcast hosted by two good pals; the horror aficionado Chris Dicker and the easily terrified Paul McWhirter. Covering the classics, the just released, the oft-forgotten gems and the train wrecks of the genre. From monster flicks to home invasion thrillers, body horror to campy slashers and everything in between. Jump on iTunes and give us a head-spinning 5 stars and write us a review if you so desire! Or if you wanna let us know what you're enjoying, send your hate mail or tell us there's somebody calling from insid