Real Estate Strategy Session With Michael Alder

RESS: The Tenant From Hell Came Back



I believe everyone loves a good psycho tenant story so here is mine. I aim ti entertain with this one so let me know if you can relate   THE TENANT FROM HELL CAME BACK!  I was enjoying an early walk with my wife when Jason sent me a text about meeting our new tenant today. I hate vacant units so I was all about moving someone in this morning. Jason gives her my number to coordinate and once I saw her name in the text my heart exploded with adrenaline  This Freakin Lunatic rented a house from me in December, defaulted in January and took me till March to get her out If that wasn't bad enough, she reported me to housing court stating that I'm a slum lord and there were huge rats living in this house.  Obviously this wasn't true so I didn't receive any fines or become blacklisted in the city but she cost me a few thousand and stole a lot of my valuable time In a panic I immediately called Jason to confirm she didn't have keys yet and shared the story. After a huge sigh of relief and a few laughs he schedule