La Llave

Live Your Best Life on Purpose by LIV DOOLEY



Meet this beautiful author, speaker, mentor, and lover of life, Liv Dooley. Growing up, Liv encountered a myriad of challenges connected to low self-esteem, depression, anorexia nervosa, and alcoholism, all of which were exacerbated by the poor relationship she experienced with her mom. In 2014, Liv founded The Colorfully Candid Paradigm, Incorporated to become the mentor and provide the support she needed as a teen. As a national empowerment strategist and author, she is dedicated to inspiring change among girls and women through conversation and creativity. Today, Liv enjoys working with her mother, Beverly, and a host of other women to support future female leaders by ensuring they have all of the tools they need to be successful academically, professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. Liv's mission with her foundation is to enhance the emotional intelligence of young ladies, ages 11-18, and their families throughout underserved communities by equipping participants with the tools to effectively handle