La Llave

Women Empowerment with Christina Brophy



She never thought that by losing everything, she once wanted, she would actually find everything she needed. Meet Christina Brophy the founder of The Women's Empowerment Expo, The VC Network Group, The Create Media Studio, The Health Wellness Expo, Women of Faith Conference, and the non-profit organization The WE Network. She became an established non-profit organization one year after hosting two Women’s Empowerment Expos. About two years ago, she left an abusive and toxic relationship, had nothing of her own, and ended up homeless and was too embarrassed to ask her friends and family for help. She started going to inspirational events to lift her spirits and one speaker said some words that would forever change her life, “if you’re tired of doing the same thing, stop doing the same thing.” Thanks to those words she had the power to leave that relationship and her journey to helping others would begin. She began to organize her first event in Ventura, CA and over hundred female-founded businesses and hundred