Better Together With Barb Roose

Five Summer Organizing Tips for Moms | Interview with Katie M. Reid



"MOM! What are we going to today?" It's summertime, mamas! Either your kids are out of school for the summer or you're counting down the days, summertime is a HUGE change for a family schedule. If you want to have a great summer with your kids without losing your mind, join me for my conversation today with speaker, author and mom of five, Katie M. Reid.  On today's Better Together podcast, Katie shares five fabulous tips for you can set your family up for success this summer.  Katie is a national speaker, singer/songwriter, and author of Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done. She holds a Masters Degree in Secondary Education and has been published on sites like: Focus on the Family, TODAY's Parenting Team Blog, Crosswalk, Proverbs 31, and HuffPost. Katie is a fan of musicals and cut-to-the-chase conversations over tea.   During today's conversation, Katie shares the following five ideas: 1. Choose a landing spot in the house for summertime gear 2. Create a family summer activity list