Borne The Battle

#98: Nick Karnaze – Marine Veteran; Owner of Stubble & 'Stache



After a successful round table on women Veterans topics, I was excited to do another one. I decided to curate a round table of Veteran entrepreneurs, but had a couple guests back out and was forced to postpone. Fortunately, one of my invited guests was still available and interested in doing a one-on-one interview. Nick Karnaze is a Marine Veteran having served as an officer with the Marine Raiders. After getting out the military, he started a business in international development. The business did not succeed as hoped. Then, after growing a beard in honor of a fallen friend, Nick was inspired to start his current business, Stubble & 'Stache. Nick and I discuss the journey of entrepreneurship, his process for troubleshooting, his routines, and how he handles productivity.