Borne The Battle

#157: Ursula Draper – Army Veteran, Occupational Therapist, Assistive Technology Professional



Since some veterans have multiple traumas, known as polytrauma, VA dedicates resources to help Veterans with very complex issues.This week's Borne the Battle interview is with Army Veteran Ursula Draper, who developed the VA  Assistive Technology Program in 2010.Draper, an Army Veteran, spent six years working as an ophthalmic technician at Martin Army Hospital at Fort Benning, Georgia. Using her GI Bill, Ursula received her bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy from East Carolina University. She then operated her own private practice in Orlando, Florida, for over 20 years, specializing in Sensory Integration and pediatrics. Wanting to give back to the Veterans, she then pursued a career in the Veterans Health Administration working with spinal cord injuries. In 2009, she began working at the Veterans Administration, specializing in spinal cord injury and traumatic brain Injuries.The Assistive Technology program tries to meet Veteran needs. The program finds adaptive ways for Veterans to access their envi