Skyler Irvine Audio Channel

Logistically Niche, Shipping Delays, & a Year Without Santa? | w/ Brent Orsuga



EPISODE SUMMARY: The logistics of logistics is facing its biggest changes in centuries. Technology innovations have created the most efficient systems history has ever seen. That is, until covid. With delays likely only getting worse for the foreseeable future, who are the shipping companies preparing themselves for the unkown? How do the top companies compete for the best talent? Why do the companies with the best culture continue to win? SHOW NOTES & EPISODE TRANSCRIPTS: Find episode notes, including links and resources discussed in this episode, plus FULL audio transcript of the interview for this, and other episodes, at ► ABOUT THE GUEST: "I am, above all else, a self-starter. In my career, I have consistently proven this, from driving millions of dollars in client revenue to bringing a wealth of expertise to my own highly successful business venture." Founder & President of Pinnacle Growth Advisors. Connect on LinkedIn ►ABOUT THE HOST: Skyler Irvine Twit