Tj Morris Et Radio

Guest drop in -The war of 34. Sagel18 preview of Sunday show.



I will have a speacial guest going to drop in today. (Sargel18). We will start what will be talking about on Sunday. The future, the war, end times, New times, Angels and demons. The way life  is and the way it will be.     We will go beyond all the stories, all the lies, but get to the truth about aliens. Why are they here. What can they really do.     You hear over and over if aliens wanted to take us they could.  People say that about Russia and China. Really who can take who out? We had many wars with aliens in the past 50 years. They are what could of ended life as we know it.     The oly thing missing in all the UFO stories is the truth why they are even here. They were here before we were.     Sargel and I spent many years in one of the most important Vortexs on the planet. I know everyone says here a veortex there a vortex every where there is a vortex. Sorry to break your bubble that has never been proven until now.     There is No one in the US that have filmed and taken pictures more pitures t