Tj Morris Et Radio

Ascension Church Ohana Awakening (no brain no mind )



Metaphysical Spiritual Science Philosophy Ascension Church Ohana is about spiritual awakening in this the Ascension Age. Spirit Science has Pastors. Ascension Age Masters who understand near death experiences and universal levels of thought.Universal life skills while we share "Spiritual Growth". We want to share the complexity of Universal Life members on the planet. The brain is a highly complexed structure. We know if we have no brain then we have no mind.  The mind is said to be completely determined by the brain. The mind-body anaology philosophy. Axioms, embedded is structure of enormous complexity. We are discovering a thousand different cell types of the brain and now what is the Spirit and Soul? We deal with all the unconditional love of new universes which is still bigger than younger generations thought. We know so little. How we generate information in our own systems. Pastor TJ and Pastor RIch share a simple spiritual growth conversation for the record of levels of consciousness and a possible ap