Tj Morris Et Radio

Ascension Center Education 24,900 years of Ascension Master Train the Trainers



ACO - Ascension Cosmos Oracles share Solar Ambassador and Cosmos Ambassador inner questions,” says ACO Event Managers. As event creators what is the truth? And just how can we create real change with this knowledge that we learn? We ask ourselves this question in 2011 and now again in 2021- ten (10) years later! Our NDE Experiences! How our spiritual science brain and heart will supply information for all our lightworkers and truthseekers who have learned to work together. World Religions Cultural Beings who are dependent on the earth for sustenance can now train each other to live, survive, and thrive. We are ACO Event Managers Speakers Bureau.  Ascension Conference Organizers Global feature, Guest Speakers  Pastor Ken Johnston, Pastor Richard T Knight, Pastor Gigi Adams-Evans, and Pastor Theresa J Morris, on Life After Life - Precession, Reincarnations, Ascension Masters VIP Workshop Presenters including X. Additional speakers will be announced.