Tj Morris Et Radio

Ascension Age Free Cosmos Exposure Tom Schaefer



Thomas Schaefer likes to be called Tom. Tom is a U.S. Navy Veteran who had a topsecret sci clearance aboard a submarine. He decided to become a photographer/videographer, business consultant and works with us now as a founder of his not-for profit. We hold that Every human being from planet Earth is a free person of the cosmos with equal viability as a sentient being with all other positive sentient beings.Each is worthy of love and every positive right, rights inherent and irrevocable by any state, government, corporate entity, or another species outside the planet Earth. Our highest authority is ourself unto the infinite intelligence.We promote total personal freedom that respects all other humans and sentient beings.We embrace reason, science, logic and love.We reject negative energy that seeks to destroy the rights and existence of humanity, which includes negative governments and/or states, corporate entities and/or non-Earth entities that seek to enslave mankind.We are free persons of the universe, the