Tj Morris Et Radio

Self-Help Internet Melinda T D'Amico, Harry Dames, TJ Morris -Who's Who List



Introducing Harry Dames, of California as an Internet Spokesperson for our Brand Making among our Internet Evangelists, Ascension Cosmos Oracles Corp Digital Data. We have Ascension Cosmos Oracles Corp, a 501 © 3 Not For Profit corporation in Florida. We are forming teams for projects. We share our projects as Internet Interplanetary – Interstellar Communications Evangelist. Theresa J Morris Executive Director for both American Communications Online, TJ Morris Agency has been producing and hosting radio shows, podcasts, since June 3, 2012 on Blog Talk Radio. June 3, 2021 will be sharing more information on ways we can share resources among women working at home to provide customer service support as guides.  Ascension Age Authors! Writing Books from Home by women who have experiences and want to join our ACO CLUB! Theresa J Thurmond Morris, Senior Journalist with Melinda T. D'Amico will discuss how the world is changing and how women can assist in jobs from home as co-creators in our ACO Club. We will begin