Una and Andrea's United Ireland




Housing For All launched last week and there were some easy wins for the government that were kicked down the road, like tackling the vacancy and dereliction problem that is currently rampaging through the country. The most sustainable and sense filled solution is to obviously use what’s already built - but you simply have to look at the hashtags #DerelictIreland & #DerelictDublin to see the amount of buildings that are just being left to rot. But here at United Ireland, we don't like to just give out, we love to look at solutions and action. Step forward Lauren Tuite from D8 Developments, a social enterprise in Inchicore that turns empty properties into beautiful and affordable spaces where people can live and work. We were also extremely interested to hear about Lauren's research regarding the correlation between car usage and dereliction. We're also talking Mighty Zapponela; The Guardian's edit (or slashing) of an entire section of Judith Butler's interview calling out TERF hatred; and some Motel Ma