Una and Andrea's United Ireland

EPISODE 114: Empty Student Gaffs & Maternity Restrictions Rage On



Why does it feel we have to keep protesting for the things that should be a given in a society? 1: Somewhere To Live Killian Woods predicted a rent strike in a recent Byline episode because of the crazy housing crisis. Within that crisis, there's another arc that perfectly illustrates why trying to find somewhere to live is so difficult. Empty purpose built student accommodation being granted change of use rather than lowering the prices. We're talking to Dublin Inquirer's Laoise Neylon about a recent article she wrote: “Providers of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation Have Been Saying There’s a Lack of Demand for It” while students have been making 200km round trips to lectures cos they can't find anywhere affordable to live. What gives? 2: Parents Being There For The Birth of Their Children There's a #MarchForMaternity on Wednesday at 1pm at the Dail because even though most things have reverted to some sort of 'normality', restrictions remain in place in maternity hospitals across the country. We'