Old Guard Audio

As Vaccine Mandates Increase, Religious Exemptions Come Under Fire



As Vaccine Mandates Increase - Religious Exemptions Come Under Fire Mary Margaret Olohan / @MaryMargOlohan / September 22, 2021   Pressure from activists and mandate-minded lawmakers suggests that the religious objections of Americans to COVID-19 vaccine mandates may face more serious inquisition in the coming weeks. (Photo Illustration: photos/Getty Images) Columbia University’s Robert Klitzman shared a tragic story with CNN Saturday of a woman riddled with cancer who reportedly refused to undergo medical procedures, relied on the power of prayer, and ultimately died. “Her religious belief contributed to her death, unfortunately,” he said. Klitzman, who directs Columbia’s bioethics master’s program, stressed that employees should not be able to easily obtain religious exemptions from President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates, pointing to the extreme beliefs of jihadists and noting, “there are limits in our society to how far religious beliefs can go.” He also suggested that the Biden administration