Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates 10-9-21



Hello VAPA Community. This is Dr. Trimis. Monday is a Late-Start Day. Hola, comunidad de VAPA. Este es el Dr. Trimis. El lunes es un día de inicio tardío. This is a special Saturday message because the first student vaccine deadline is tomorrow. All students participating in extracurricular activities and/or athletics must be fully vaccinated by October 31 in order to continue participating in these programs after school.  In order to meet the deadline, students must receive their first dose no later than October 10, this Sunday, and their second dose no later than October 31. This is a later date than earlier announced. The only approved vaccine for students at this time is the Pfeizer vaccine. Info: This week is our first FINALS week for most classes and we will be on a special early release schedule on both TUESDAY and THURSDAY. All students get out of school at 1:15 pm on these days. Please also note tha