Maria's Bathtime Musings

83 How to get more business from each client after you have delivered



This is number five of a series of five podcasts. We've been looking at five different ways that you can get more business from every client and the various stages. So let me recap on one to four, before we talk about number five. Number one is at the enquiry stage. Number two is at time of proposal. Number three is at the stage of briefing, once you've been booked. Number four is when you're actually delivering your content, delivering your masterclass, keynote, whatever it happens to be. And number five obviously is going to be after you've done a great job.  And of course you'll have done a great job, you've delivered on the objective, you've got a happy client. Lots of things you can do, so many actions you can take to get more work. Let me give you a couple.