Maria's Bathtime Musings

84 Are you clear on where you want your speaking business to be?



Do you begin with the end in mind when it comes to your speaking business? Are you clear on where you want to be in your speaking business?  It’s vital that you have a clear sense of direction and that all the pieces of your speaking business fit together to take you there. I'm talking about the strategy of your speaking. What is your thinking? What direction are you going in? What do you want your speaking business to look like, say in a year, three years, five years? And are you going in that direction so that you are totally clear? Or does your business look more like Monty Python's race for people with no sense of direction. If you would like to learn about a successful speaker's speaking business strategy do listen into James Taylor's recent recording with me- ‎ James Taylor has grown his speaking business from zero to high six figures in a mere three years and through a pandemic.  It’s not often that a successful speaker commanding big