Maria's Bathtime Musings

85 The speaker market is hot, what are you doing about it?



This week I bring amazing news for the Speaking Industry. The market is hot, it's picked up, in fact so much so that many of my Speaker Bureau colleagues are recording booking figures higher than in 2019. WOW!  After a very tough 18 months, this is just the news we have all been waiting for.  The even better news is that 2022 is looking very positive too.  So are you making the most of this fabulous news?  Are you out there prospecting, talking to clients, talking to prospects and saying, do you need my help? Do you need my services? Because if you aren't, you're going to miss out. If you've found this video useful you might find this week’s podcast interview How to market yourself as an international speaker with Frank Furness, very helpful too - Frank Furness is an international specialist in sales, technology, social media and goal setting and how they work in tandem to produce great results for organisations. He is Past President of the Pro