Ndb Media

The Rock & Roll Shrink Radio Show Ep. 118 Hetero People in SameSex Relationships



Ep. 118 - Heterosexual People in Same-Sex Relationships 9-29-2021 Tonight’s show is a response to a recent news article in which a well-known actress who plays a popular media figure that is largely assumed in pop culture to be straight and catering to the attention of males, came out in the media seemingly out of the blue to reveal that she had been in a significantly long-term relationship with another woman. The most interesting aspect, and one that has confused many fans and people in general who saw the articles, is that even today she still self-identifies as heterosexual, and seems to consider this relationship something of an anomaly with regards to her sexual orientation. Tonight, we want to discuss how these situations happen, and to help our listeners understand so that they will have a more accurate and mature comprehension of the situation, which not only often helps cut down on thoughtless comments or inappropriate assumptions, but may also be of benefit in validating such situations for pers