Peer 2 Peer Real Estate's Podcast

Show 202: Using Other Peoples' Resources For Wealth Building With Edna Keep



About Edna :Making money is a love of mine. To make it, I focus primarily on real estate investments focussing on multi-family residences and joint venture partnerships.I am the founder of the 90 Days to 5K Mastermind, a training, educational, and membership organization for real estate investors.My real estate portfolioSince 2007, I have built my own real estate portfolio to over 600 doors with a value of $70 million. All except the first two properties were bought with the help of other people’s money (joint venture partners).My husband Warren and I own 14 doors personally and the rest with joint venture partners. Most of these partners are passive investors looking for a great rate of return without being actively involved in generating it.Training othersNow, I am a real estate investment coach. I teach others investing in real estate how to do it so they receive passive income, allowing them to live the life they want and retire when they want.The 90 Days to 5K Mastermind is a training, education, and mem