Im Network

Why You Can Only Get What You Already Have!



This week’s Meditation Circle we draw inspiration from Chapter 20 of Rev. Ike's Science Of Living Study Guide; The Mental Equivalent. The often confusing and seemingly unfair concept that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. There's even that old Billie Holiday song "God bless the child that's got his own"..." Them that's got Shall and get and them that's not shall lose, so the Bible says, and still it's news" is referencing Matthew 25:14-29 and Luke 8: 5-18. It doesn't make sense for a loving God to give to those who already have a lot and take away from those who have very little. So it tells you that there's something more going on here. According to Re. Ike's teachings we have to first get the "Mental Equivalent" of what we want in our minds, before we can experience it in our lives. The meditative focus is always the same;  Having the Clear Vision, of how you want things to be in your MInd FIRST in order to Have it in your Life.    Become a Patron and experience the fullness of this work at P