Punisher: Body Count

Punisher: Body Count Episode .45 ACP



Get it? It's like the ammo caliber. This whole show has been leading up to that title, so it's all downhill from here. Introduction - Jake and I talk about car financing and dealing with indignant babies. News - We talk about a Punisher mini-series seven years in the making, and perhaps some guest spots we'll be on in the future. Mail Call - We answer Arch's question about how much continuity should be acknowledged in a new Punisher run. Bullet Points - We cover Avenging Spider-Man #22 and Thunderbolts # 11. Short answer? Thunderbolts is bad. Long answer? Thunderbolts is super bad. Flashbacks - In honor of the Punisher's guest spot on Avenging Spider-Man, we analyze Amazing Spider-Man #330 and 331, where we see a baby Erik Larsen figure out eye balls and Jake and I get sidetracked into talking about a cocaine-backed economy. Discharge Papers - Neither Jake nor I talk about Man of Steel! Instead I talk about the weirdness of Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, we needlessly argue about the movie Parker, and get