Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode .50 Action Express!



Episode 50! Double-sized! This issue changes everything forever! And by that I mean nothing at all. We got a special co-host for this episode, Arch Stanton, the man behind frankssaladdays.com! Introduction - We catch up with each other as usual, and I talk about my Pittsburgh Comicon experience. And then I keep talking about it. News - There's a new Punisher Omnibus coming out next year! Also, there is a new fan film called The Punisher: No Mercy. You should check it out. We also reveal our contest winner! Mail Call - Listener punisherfan1 nearly stumps us with his questions, but we persevere anyway. Dane and Jake Go to the Movies - Hey remember that fan film I mentioned? We talk about it here! Bullet Points - We cover Ultimates #30, Trial of the Punisher #1, and Thunderbolts #15.  Flashbacks - It finally happened. We talked about Archie Meets the Punisher, a misunderstood classic of its time. Discharge Papers - Jake and Arch try to fill me in on Agents of SHIELD, and we make our recommendations to try to cul