Punisher: Body Count

Punisher Body Count: Episode 52



In this episode, Jake and I look back on previous "achievements" of the show, as voted by you! And me and Jake. We are egotistical that way. Introduction - I talk about some positive (and not so positive) birthday experiences and Jake talks about the trials and tribulations of new home ownership. News - Only a slight bit of news dealing with the Marvel deal with Netflix. There will be some street-level characters showing up in the Netflix line-up in the future; will the Punisher be included? Only time will tell. Mail Call - We got a bunch of great listener mail this episode, so it's best you just jump in and enjoy the ride. Bullet Points - We cover Trial of the Punisher #2, and Thunderbolts #16. Sometimes you just gotta take the good with the bad, I guess. Flashbacks - No Punisher comics this time around. Just Jake and I reminiscing on the olden days of running gags and bad audio. Discharge Papers - I finally make good on my promise to read some damn IDW GI Joe comics, and my reaction to them may surprise you