Punisher: Body Count

Punisher: Body Count Episode 78



Welcome back. Are you enjoying your summer? Introduction - Jake talks about his recent handyman accomplishment and I bring up two stories that explain what I've been doing with my life recently. [26:55] News - Jake and I talk about Lexi Alexander's new director gig and list out all the current Punisher appearances in Marvel's Secret Wars event. We also discuss a new contest and us sponsoring a warrior. There is also something about the Punishing appearing on Daredevil next year but whatever I'm sure it's fake. Contest - For this contest, we are giving away a free Tom Jane Punisher piece of artwork done in water colors by Star Wars artist Tod Allen Smith! All you need to do is either comment about us on our iTunes page or talk us up on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtags #PBC or #Punisherbodycount. Add a #Punisher hashtag too if you can, as this helps your message spread to other Punisher fans! I will check these for these hashtags every day to keep track of who has entered. In the sake of fairness and to