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Max is a Conservative Libertarian running on the Republican ticket for North Carolina's 7th Congressional District seat. He is a red-blooded, blue-collar, worker who knows what it is like to be impoverished and what it takes to get back on track. In 2009, Max decided to join the family business, but that business was not what most people would think. Max joined the Marine Corps, making him an 8th generation Marine. Besides the Marines, his family members consist of men and women who have served in the Army, Air Force and Navy, truly the embodiment of a family of warriors that stood up and served their country every time the United States called.16:34 Texas school using propaganda disguised as critical race theory to sexualise children45:00 Bible and Koran discussion50:00 Shira Law discussion1:14:00 Vaccine Passports1:26:00 Money used in US elections1:42:00 Abortion1:52:00 Anarchy1:59:00 Accepting death in the military2:18:00 What is conservative libertarianism