Fantasy Football Party With Anthony Maggio & Bo Mitchell

Preseason Episode 2: Primrose Paths, Rocky Roads, and All the Big Fellas You Can Stomach



Move over Usain Bolt! The Fantasy Football Party-Goers broke several land-speed records—not to mention a dozen or so glasses and a couple of hearts along the way—as their second preseason episode clocked in at less time than it takes Morley Safer and Andy Rooney to fill that precious space between the end of the Cowboys game and the start of “Murder, She Wrote”. But do not despair, it’s still jam-packed with all the fantasy goodness you’ve come to know, love, and expect from these three amigos. As is their Wednesday night habit Bo, Magsh, and 2V gathered at JL Beers in Burnsville to trade barbs, toss back malted beverages, and dispense more fantasy football wisdom. Our beloved party-goers touched on the pertinent news of the day, addressed some early-season favorable schedules—and those that may be decidedly less so—and filled in the blanks on your 2019 fantasy football Mad Libs. Plus, Bo grabbed Chubb (despite 2V’s negative assessment of Cleveland’s crumbling offensive line), Magsh took a Duke (