Fantasy Football Party With Anthony Maggio & Bo Mitchell

Week 1: News for the Uninformed, Advice for the Unaware, and Therapy for Dave Berggren



The vow was to slice and dice the format to rein in the Bohemoth (and the Magshemoth and 2Vmoth, for that matter). The intention was to give the Fantasy Football Party a… what’s that called, a Columbian? Anywho, we’re shaving that bad boy down under an hour. And one show into the new plan, we’re happy to say it worked! Narrator: I wish you weren’t a liar. Less is more. Day is night. Up is down and wrong is right. And yet somehow the Week 1 edition of the FF Party is still stuffed to the proverbial gills with everything required to beat up your league and take down your DFS contest of choice (though obviously we hope your choice is Fantasy Draft). If it’s Hump Day that means Tres Futbol Amigos gathered at JL Beers in Burnsville for the weekly assortment of hopped-up beverages, witty repartee, and the sharpest fantasy football analysis this side of OJ Simpson. Narrator: I see what you did there. With the sands trickling through the hour glass, your second-favorite trio of fantasy football intellects sh