Fantasy Football Party With Anthony Maggio & Bo Mitchell

Week 8: Buying Low on Melvin Gordon, Selling High on the Patriots Defense, and Settle In for the Longest Show We’ve Ever Dropped



If there’s one thing the Fantasy Football Party podcast is known for, it’s the show’s staunch support of the morals and principles that guide this great land, such as honesty and integrity and freedom of speech. If there’s two things the Fantasy Football Party podcast is known for, it’s all that stuff above and brilliant, insightful fantasy football analysis delivered in an engaging, witty manner over tasty adult beverages. But lets focus on that first part for just a second. What if, during the course of events of a podcast, someone with questionably legitimate authority deleted from the record important conversations. Not “Watergate tapes” important or even “Ukrainian quid pro quo” important; more like “Kenny Stills is a great play WHEN Will Fuller gets hurt” or “Now that I’m done being Sticky let’s dive into a Belching Beaver” important. (Narrator: In other words, not very important at all.) Okay, we’ll leave the political correctness for the wonks and pundits. Well, except for tres Futbol Fiesta Fant