3 Questions With Bob Evans

Derek Miller



Utah is widely known as one of the best places in the United States to do business. It’s highly educated, multi-lingual workforce, combined with relatively low taxes and business-friendly environment make it a destination for many companies looking to locate in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Utah is also known as “the crossroads of the west”, making it logistically ideal to create an Inland Port that could serve as a hub for importing and exporting a wide range of goods and services. But there is significant concern about what creating an Inland Port would do to Utah’s delicate environment. Because of temperature inversions, northern Utah’s topography often traps air pollutants in the winter months, and ozone in the summer, which creates health hazards for at-risk populations. So, would the benefits of jobs and economic growth be worth the cost to Utah’s air and landscape, and the health of Utah citizens and visitors? Bob Evans with FOX 13 News in Salt Lake City explores these questions with Derek Miller,