3 Questions With Bob Evans

Ed Smart



His daughter and family have been through indescribable trauma. Ed Smart’s daughter Elizabeth was kidnapped by Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Barzee in June of 2002. Her miraculous safe return happened after nine torturous months of search, praying, and hoping. Since then, Ed and Elizabeth have become outspoken advocates for missing and exploited children with the Elizabeth Smart Foundation. But under the turmoil of this whole experience and aftermath, lay a deep anxiety the Ed had carried since he was 12 years old. After decades of marriage, six children, and life as an active Latter-day Saint (Mormon), Ed could no longer maintain what for him was a grotesque façade.  After a crisis in faith, Ed finally admitted to his wife Lois of 33 years, that he is gay. And bombshell after bombshell, he informed each of his children, the Smart’s close friends, and finally the public. Bob Evans with FOX 13 News in Salt Lake City sat down with Ed Smart in December of 2019 for a 3 Questions interview. See omnystudio.co