I Am Independent - For Independent Music Artists

The I Am Independent Podcast - Episode 36 - Performance tips



For our last episode of this season, and of 2019, we thought we'd cover a topic that may seem basic and obvious even, however, if it is not tackled in an intentional way it can be the difference between being a memorable artist or a forgettable one: Performance. It goes without saying that artists need to perform their songs but there is a lot more to it than simply standing there and singing. There is quite a skill to being a great performer but it doesn't need to be elaborate or over the top. We address what to do with your hands, where to look in a small room, what to do in a musical break (it doesn't have to be awkward) and how to interpret a song through your performance. Some of it may be old news to seasoned performers but we think we may have some tips that even the veteran independent artist will benefit from.  Enjoy and we'll catch you with a new series of the podcast in 2020. Don't forget to get your free 10-day guide at www.iamindependent.co.uk  And follow us on Instagram at: @weareindependentarti