I Am Independent - For Independent Music Artists

The I Am Independent Podcast - Series 2 - Episode 3 - Coronavirus: An Independent Artist Survival Guide



We felt it was appropriate for us to address the Coronavirus pandemic from the perspective of Independent Artists. Obviously everyone is affected, but artists are probably not at the forefront of people's minds regarding those hit by the issue. Rightly so, our minds should be first with the more vulnerable members of society who are most likely to fall ill in a dangerous way from the illness. However, artists are also greatly affected in terms of having gigs and tours cancelled and the uncertainty of any income over the coming months as self-employed people.   On a more positive note, we also believe that artists have a great and important part to play in this current crisis.  Artists offer hope, understanding and a voice to fears and concerns which give people something to turn to through their music - just like they have always done in the history or world crises.  The fact that many artists, and of course music consumers, are social distancing and self-isolating presents a unique opportunity to reach out o