Regent College Podcast

#014 Ashley Moyse and Lydia Corriveau on Medicine, Theology, and Technology



Lydia Corriveau, a nurse, came to Regent College in Fall 2016 seeking answers to questions about medicine, ethics, and suffering. Theological ethicist Ashley Moyse also joined the Regent community in Fall 2016, beginning a post-doctoral fellowship in science and theology. In this week's podcast, Claire Perini hosts a conversation between Lydia and Ashley about the broken body, the unity of body and soul, and technology's impact on our experience of suffering and death. Dr. Ashley Moyse joins Regent College as part of a three-year initiative to advance conversations about the relationship of theology and science at the college and beyond, made possible by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation. Regent College is an innovative graduate school of theology, where vibrant evangelical faith meets rigorous academics. Find out more at